Life Through the Lens: Blowing in the wind

Kevin Schrapel wonders how a tree keeps from snapping in a gale.

Life Through the Lens: Blowing in the wind

This post was contributed by Kevin Schrapel, and is the author’s personal opinion.

How do trees not snap in the wind? Photo: Kevin Schrapel.

The wind was howling around the house.

TV footage showed trees blown onto cars and homes while people watched helplessly.

The reactions were varied, from a distraught – “What will I do now?” – to “Oh, well, at least I’m still alive”.

As I watched the trees across the road whip, sway, shudder and bend low under the unrelenting pressure of the wind, I marvelled at how far some of them could bow, yet still recover and stand tall.

We often ask the same question about people.

Daily we hear or see people being knocked down, then getting up repeatedly and carrying on.


Maybe their lives are rooted in something which, or someone who, they trust is always there, from which they draw their strength to stand up and carry on.

So what can I plant my life in to grow this remarkable strength and resilience?

God’s word, the Bible, has several clues.

In Psalm chapter 29, verse 11 it says, “the Lord gives strength to his people; the Lord blesses his people with peace”.

So how do I become one of his people?

A great man of God, who was also a great king known for his wisdom, Solomon, wrote about this in Proverbs 5:6.

“Trust God from the bottom of your heart; don’t try to figure out everything on your own,” he wrote.

“Listen for God’s voice in everything you do, everywhere you go; he’s the one who will keep you on track.”

St Paul, another great man of God, writing to Christians, wrote this about Jesus, His love and strength in Colossians 2:7: “(Let) your roots grow down into him, and (let) your lives be built on him; then your faith will grow strong in the truth you were taught, and you will overflow with thankfulness”.

Do you bend or break?

Do you have a family member or a friend who is leaning toward a breaking point?

Remember, God, in love, says, “Let my love, my strength support you, hold you up and keep you safe against all pressures”.

Talk to him about it.

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