If Murray Bridge community wants to light up rail bridge, its owners will listen

The Australian Rail Track Corporation says it’s “open to options” with regard to installing lights on Murray Bridge’s iconic river crossing.

If Murray Bridge community wants to light up rail bridge, its owners will listen
Lights illuminate Murray Bridge’s railway bridge on December 31, 2021. Photo: Penny Heighes.

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The owners of Murray Bridge’s rail bridge say they are willing to talk about installing lights on the structure ahead of its centenary.

As Murray Bridge News reported last week, a community push is underway to have the bridge lit up at night in time for its 100th birthday next year.

The Murray Bridge council is on board with the idea.

Now, so is the Australian Rail Track Corporation which owns the bridge – under certain conditions.

In a statement, a spokesperson told Murray Bridge News that the ARTC was aware of the community’s interest in having permanent lights installed on the bridge to improve its appearance.

The idea had been explored in 2017, but a review at that time found “technical challenges … given the heritage status of the bridge”.

“However, we are open to progressing feasible options with the council to improve amenity of the bridge,” the spokesperson said.

ARTC had not yet held further talks with the council at the time of publication.

The iconic railway bridge across the River Murray was officially opened on November 13, 1925.

The only time it has yet been illuminated at night was on New Year’s Eve, 2021.

Various locals have suggested making feature lighting permanent in recent years, including – most recently – Robert Thiele, who brought the idea to the attention of the current Murray Bridge council in April.

Of the 72 readers who voted in a Murray Bridge News poll last week, 100% were in favour of lighting up the bridge.