Firefighters contain grass fire near Palmer

A fire near Randell Road and the famous Bear Rock has been contained.

Firefighters contain grass fire near Palmer
A fire which broke out in this area east of Palmer, and at one stage threatened to travel toward the township, has been contained. Image: SA CFS.

Country Fire Service volunteers, helped by firefighting aircraft, have controlled a grass fire which threatened the township of Palmer on Wednesday morning.

Smoke was first reported along Randell Road, not far from the famous Bear Rock, just before 7am.

By 8.30, the CFS had warned locals to monitor the situation; and at 9.10am the warning was upgraded to a “watch and act” message, suggesting that locals evacuate the area.

However, 50 firefighters and six aircraft were able to contain the fire by midday.

SA Police and SA Power Networks staff assisted on the scene.

Motorists and community members are urged to continue to take care in the area, noting that smoke may reduce visibility and the situation may change.

Randell Road and other roads remain open.

The CFS expected to issue another update by 2pm.

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