Auto collectors get back on the road after a long 2020

Members of the Auto Collectors Club of Murray Bridge have gathered for the first time in 2021.

Auto collectors get back on the road after a long 2020

This post was contributed by Graham Edwards of the Auto Collectors Club of Murray Bridge.

Paul Wade, in his granny rug, keeps warm alongside his wife Val. Photo: Graham Edwards.

The Auto Club Collectors Club of Murray Bridge has commenced its new year with its first public outing in many, many months.

With COVID-19 still rearing its ugly head within Australia, and the rest of the world, the club, like so many other clubs and organisations, missed most of its 2020 meetings, not to mention club outings and runs.

So the annual pizza night at the home of life members John and Vicki Courtney was a welcome night out for members.

The hosts, as usual, had their garden in immaculate condition for the 47 members who attended.

Current COVID restrictions were observed throughout the rather chilly evening outdoors, under the verandah and on the lawns.

Auto club members catch up on the latest news. Photo: Graham Edwards.

Most members came in their modern cars, with a sprinkling of classic vehicles in attendance.

As members settled in with various nibbles and drinks, members were seen to be renewing each other’s company, sharing stories of lockdown and talking about what the future holds for Australia and the rest of the world in 2021 and beyond.

After the pizza delivery van arrived, members were invited to partake of their evening meal in small groups.

Following the meal was the yearly inspection of Mr Courtney’s major restoration project, which has been underway for many years: a 1929 Dodge DA Budd sedan.

Budd refers to the steel body which was manufactured by Edward Budd in the USA.

Some Dodge DAs were manufactured by TJ Richards in Adelaide using timber-framed bodies.

It was agreed among many male member petrol-heads that the Budd had progressed much in the past 12 months and would hopefully see the highways by the next pizza night in 2022.

Cecily Graetz, Jan Hall, David Smyth and Helen and Kevin Hosgood chat. Photo: Graham Edwards.

As the evening became somewhat chillier, female members began packing up, encouraging their better halves to thank Mr and Mrs Courtney for their hospitality, before retiring to their respective homes, with another good night of fun and fellowship had by all.

All being well, if COVID behaves itself, the next ACCMB outing will be held on Friday, February 5.

Club meetings are held on the first Tuesday of each month except January at the Johnstone Park Combined Clubrooms, commencing at 8pm.

Prospective members – ladies and men – are always most welcome to meetings and outings.

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