Old Murray Bridge will close to traffic on three Tuesdays
The Department for Infrastructure and Transport will close Murray Bridge’s road bridge to traffic on three upcoming dates.

The old Murray Bridge will be closed to traffic on three upcoming Tuesdays as part of its ongoing refurbishment.
Weather permitting, the Department for Infrastructure and Transport plans to close the bridge between 9am and 2.30pm on:
- Tuesday, August 23
- Tuesday, September 6
- Tuesday, September 20
Motorists will need to divert via the Swanport Bridge during times when the old bridge is closed.
The closures will help with the $36 million refurbishment of the old bridge.
The project is expected to be complete in late 2023.
- More information: Call 1300 794 880, visit www.dit.sa.gov.au/oldmurraybridge or email dit.communityrelations@sa.gov.au.
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