Newbridge housing development nears completion
One of the biggest housing developments in Murray Bridge in recent years will soon fill up.
The biggest housing development in Murray Bridge’s recent history will soon be complete.
The final 31 blocks of land associated with the Newbridge development, at the former Murray Bridge Racing Club on Mulgundawah Road, were released for sale last week.
The space had previously been earmarked for a tourism or hospitality-related development, but spokesperson Olivia Burke said the high demand for housing had made developers Burke Urban change their minds.
“We set out to build a strong community and a green heart for Murray Bridge, and we are proud to see this project launching its final stage,” she said.
“It’s been a joy to see this vision come to life with the completion of reserves, play spaces and barbecue areas, along with the ever-growing community.”
The racing club moved its operations to Gifford Hill in 2019, and the residential development has been expanding in its place since 2020.
Almost half of the former racecourse remains undeveloped; that section will eventually be used for a $100 million retirement village and a child care centre.
Disclosure: Burke Urban is an advertising client of Murray Bridge News.
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