New tenant sought for Edwards Square clubrooms
The former senior citizens' club building behind Murray Bridge's sound shell is empty and available.

One of Murray Bridge’s best-positioned bits of real estate is up for grabs.
The former senior citizens’ centre on Edwards Square, behind the sound shell, has sat empty since May, when it was vacated by the Murray Bridge Senior Citizens Club.
Its owner, the Murray Bridge council, wants to find a new way to make it useful to the community.
Council community development general manager Kristen Manson guessed someone would be able to make use of the building, which featured a hall capable of seating more than 120 people pre-COVID, plus a kitchen, office, storerooms and bathrooms.
“It is our vision to activate the Edwards Square centre and surrounding area as a multi-purpose community facility, with an operating model that is community driven, flexible and cost effective,” she said.
Organisations interested in making use of the 42-year-old building will be invited to tour it at 10am next Tuesday.
Murray Bridge News understands that at least three groups have expressed some degree of interest, including Murray Bridge Community Centre.
A tender process will be used to select a tenant who can deliver on the council’s vision.
Tenders must be submitted by December 17, and will be assessed in January and February.
- More information: Contact Debra Scott at the Rural City of Murray Bridge at
Disclosure: The author is a Murray Bridge Community Centre board member.
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