Murraylands smoke shops raided as part of Operation Eclipse
Inspectors from Consumer and Business Services, backed up by SA Police, have been doing “targeted inspections”.

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Several Murraylands tobacco retailers have been raided by Consumer and Business Services, with support from police, as the agencies continue a crackdown on the illicit drug trade.
In a statement, CBS told Murray Bridge News it had undertaken “targeted inspections” of a number of allegedly unlicensed tobacco stores in the Murraylands last week.
The agency declined to provide any further information.
South Australian laws require tobacco retailers to have a licence, pay an annual fee and adhere to specific rules.
Since October, CBS and SA Police Operation Eclipse has been aiming to shut down an estimated 200 unlicensed tobacco and vape stores around South Australia.
State Consumer and Business Affairs Minister Andrea Michaels said most of the cigarettes and vapes sold at such stores did not have the required safety warnings on their packaging, and had not been tested to see whether they were safe for human consumption.
Organised crime syndicates controlled around 75 per cent of the unlicensed tobacco trade, she said.
“We are not going to allow these illegal shops to operate in our community,” she said.
“It is increasingly organised crime behind these illegal tobacco shops, and we are going to continue to raid these businesses, get these products off the streets and shut these stores down.”
Murray Bridge News does not suggest any wrongdoing by any of the local retailers.
- Report an illegal tobacco or vape dealer: