Murraylands company plans to build its own worker housing amid rental shortage
Australian Portable Camps hopes to build mining camp-style accommodation for its workers. Could it do the same for Thomas Foods International?

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A major employer has decided to build its own worker housing amid a shortage of rental properties in the Murraylands.
Australian Portable Camps, at Monarto, employs hundreds of people to build temporary accommodation for mine workers in the Pilbara and central Queensland.
Now – with nowhere else for its new employees to live – the company hopes to apply its expertise to its own backyard.
It plans to erect six transportable buildings, with a total of 23 residential units, out the back of its manufacturing facility.
Each unit would feature a bedroom, kitchenette and ensuite bathroom.
An adjacent stone house on Ferries-McDonald Road would be turned into a common area.

Australian Portable Camps has reportedly offered to construct similar facilities for at least one other major employer in the region, too.
Murray Bridge News is seeking further comment.
In the meantime, members of the public have until next Friday, August 19, to provide feedback on the manufacturer’s plan.
- Have your say: Fill in the form at before 11.59pm next Friday, August 19.
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