Murray Bridge Marketplace turns 10

A decade has passed since Murray Bridge RSL made the decision to sell its South Terrace property and make way for a shopping centre.

Murray Bridge Marketplace turns 10

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Rod Harris and Felicity Connolly cut a cake to celebrate Murray Bridge Marketplace’s 10th birthday. Photo: Peri Strathearn.

Ten years ago, members of Murray Bridge RSL faced a serious choice.

Would they keep their clubrooms and bowling greens, or give them up to be turned into a shopping centre?

They chose to sell, paving the way for the RSL’s move to the east side and the construction of Murray Bridge Marketplace.

A decade on, RSL president Rod Harris said that decision had benefited the community.

“You can’t stop progress,” he said.

“If you look at Murray Bridge now, they need something like this ... otherwise people would go to Mount Barker or Adelaide.

“A bit of tradition went out the door when we shifted, but ... the town’s better off with (the centre) here.”

Kevin Leslie, Merv Schopp, Jim Foster and Len Lawson man a stall for Murray Bridge RSL at the Marketplace on Friday. Photo: Peri Strathearn.

The shopping centre’s 10th anniversary was celebrated over the weekend with displays by local community groups, specials from retailers and family activities.

Mr Harris helped centre manager Felicity Connolly cut a cake on Friday morning.

“We are delighted to be celebrating 10 years in the community,” Ms Connolly said.

“Over this time we have grown to be one of the biggest employers in the region and have supported many local clubs, sporting groups, charities and not-for-profit organisations.”

She thanked all the tenant businesses who had filled the centre during the past decade; the RSL and Country Women’s Association, who occupied the South Terrace site prior to 2011; and all the community groups, pictured below, which were represented on Friday.

Murray Bridge Rotarians Jenny Alexander-Walters and Robin LeGallez sell calendars on Friday. Photo: Peri Strathearn.
John Filmer and Hylton Moritz encourage passers-by to join the Lions Club of Murray Bridge. Photo: Peri Strathearn.
Purnong Hall volunteers Sarah and Geoff Barber raise money with a raffle. Photo: Peri Strathearn.
Mobilong Rotarian Sadie Podger advertises the club’s Supertee fundraiser. Photo: Peri Strathearn.
Médecins Sans Frontières’ Aeden Poetsch encourages Deborah Drewett to sign up. Photo: Peri Strathearn.
Ray Chandler, Charlie Meneghetti, Joe Bonnici, Mike Brennan and Roger Kilpatrick show off some of the goods produced at the Murraylands Community Men’s Shed. Photo: Peri Strathearn.
Red Cross volunteers Val Tanner, Dora Eisen and Pauline Thiele show a reconciliation quilt sewn by their counterparts around South Australia. Photo: Peri Strathearn.
Murray Bridge Marketplace’s Felicity Connolly, Tammy Zander and Sally Pope celebrate the centre’s 10th birthday. Photo: Peri Strathearn.