Murray Bridge High School reveals new uniforms, ‘neighbourhoods’
Students will get new threads in 2022, to go with the new logo and motto that will accompany an influx of year 7 students.

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Murray Bridge High School has unveiled the new uniforms students will be able to wear from 2022, and the names of the new “neighbourhoods” they will be split into.
The new threads are broadly similar to the current uniforms: mostly navy, with red and gold accents.
However, they will feature the school’s new logo and motto – “palai namawi, the future is ours” – as well as an Aboriginal design in places such as the collar of school polo tops.
Students will also be able to show off their allegiance to one of four neighbourhoods, which will replace the traditional houses of Barker, Murray, Sturt and Hindmarsh.
Principal Ruth Mussger said each neighbourhood would be named after a totem animal of significance to the Ngarrindjeri people, the traditional owners of the area:
- Kungari, the black swan (blue)
- No:ri, the pelican (green)
- Pondi, the Murray cod (yellow)
- Wirakuthi, the frill-necked lizard (red)
The names were chosen by students.
As in the house system, students will stay in the same neighbourhood throughout their schooling, and will compete alongside students from the same neighbourhood at sports days, inter-class events and academic competitions.

Current students will still be able to wear the old uniform for several years, as the school is planning a gradual changeover.
The logo, motto and uniform changes, and neighbourhood system, were all prompted by the coming arrival of year 7s at the high school in 2022.
Construction of a new, $25 million building at the school is continuing, and on track to be completed by the time students start next year.
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