Social photos: Murray Bridge Glows

Hundreds of people have crowded Diamond Park on a beautiful late winter evening to watch performances, wave glow-sticks and take carriage rides.

Social photos: Murray Bridge Glows

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Hundreds of people, if not more, have crowded Murray Bridge’s Diamond Park on a beautiful late winter evening to watch performances, wave glow-sticks and take carriage rides.

The second instalment of the Murray Bridge Glows festival attracted a huge crowd on Saturday night.

The balmy temperature helped – it was still 20 degrees when things kicked off – but jugglers, Ngarrindjeri dancers, avant-garde performers the Bait Fridge, a silent disco and horse-and-carriage rides were enough to keep families entertained for the night.

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A big crowd gathers at Diamond Park on Saturday night. Photo: Peri Strathearn.
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