Murray Bridge Fringe wins Mainstreet SA award

The local off-shoot of the Adelaide Fringe festival will return in 2022.

Murray Bridge Fringe wins Mainstreet SA award

Murray Bridge Fringe has been recognised as one of the best street festivals in South Australia at the 2021 Mainstreet SA awards.

Murray Bridge council events coordinator Matt Miles accepted an award at a gala ceremony at the Hilton Hotel, in Adelaide, on Friday night.

The award was for an event, festival or street party costing less than $25,000 which benefited businesses, sponsors and the community.

Hundreds of people attended the Murray Bridge Fringe street performance back in February, which was hosted by comedian Kevin Kropinyeri and featured appearances by fire twirlers, magicians, musicians and more.

Matt Miles, left, accepts an award for Murray Bridge Fringe on Friday night. Photo: Mainstreet SA/Facebook.

Plans are underway for the festival’s return over an expanded period of 10 days in 2022.

More information will become available when the broader Adelaide Fringe program is released on December 2.

Disclosure: The author was a performer at the 2021 Murray Bridge Fringe.

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