Murray Bridge council wants your opinion on Bridge Arts’ lease renewal
Have your say on whether Bridge Arts should stay put in Murray Bridge's railway precinct.
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As Bridge Arts Incorporated seeks to renew its lease for the next 10 years, the Murray Bridge council wants community feedback on the proposal.
Bridge Arts wants to continue its lease of part of the Railway Control Building, in the Murray Bridge railway precinct, to enable community art activities from local artists.
The Murray Bridge council’s acting assets and infrastructure general manager, Deb Richardson, wants community feedback considered when the council decides on Bridge Arts’ lease proposal.
“We ask the community to share their views when we consider new leases for council-owned buildings,” she said.
Bridge Arts is a community of local artists, which organises monthly workshops; exhibitions two to three times a year; and art classes on Wednesdays between 1pm and 4pm during school terms.
The group uses for their artworks watercolour, acrylic, oil, pastels, drawing, charcoal, mixed mediums, pottery, mosaics, sculpture, photography and so on.
Anyone with an interest in these fields is welcome to join Bridge Arts regardless of their skill levels.
The proposed Bridge Arts Incorporated lease feedback form and map are available on the council’s consultation portal, Let’s Talk.
- Have your say: Visit, the Murray Bridge local government centre or Murray Bridge Library, or write to Rural City of Murray Bridge, PO Box 421, Murray Bridge SA 5253 by 3pm on April 6.
- More information about Bridge Arts: Visit or search for “Bridge Arts” on Facebook.
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