Meals on Wheels Murray Bridge recognises milestone-hitting volunteers
The volunteers recognised at the organisation's 2021 AGM have amassed more than 370 years of service between them.
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In its 52nd year of existence, Meals on Wheels in Murray Bridge has celebrated a huge number of committee members for their time of service with the charity.
This year, a total of 29 volunteers received recognition for their milestones, spanning from 12 months all the way up to 35 years.
The volunteers who won awards this year had amassed a whopping 376 years of service between them.
Assistant volunteer coordinator Maureen Klau said the Meals on Wheels committee had been a great one to be a part of, as everyone got on well and pitched in.
“Meals on Wheels is a wonderful organisation,” she said.
“We help people stay in their homes without taking their independence away.
“We deliver five days a week so the people receiving the meals can keep their independence by cooking on the weekends.”
Without Meals on Wheels, she said, many locals would be at a loss.
“It would be a huge drain on the community,” she said.
“More people would be in hospitals as they would not be able to cook for themselves.”
Despite the great number of volunteers already on the committee, Ms Klau said help was always appreciated.
“We are an aging group of volunteers, we always need more,” she said.
“All you have to do is two hours every four weeks … we have five runs, and we have a driver and a helper for each run.”
Since its inception, the Murray Bridge branch has delivered more than 971,000 meals to those in the community that are most in need.
The branch celebrated its 50th anniversary during its 51st year due to COVID delays.
Upon receiving his award for 15 years of service, fellow volunteer Gary Haebich summed it up best.
“It’s not the reason we do it, but it’s nice to get the recognition.”
Service awards for 2022
- One year: Lorraine Bell, Stephen Coad, Marc Colwell, Helen Cramp, Allan Warnett, Christine Weber.
- Five years: Janice Hearne, Alan Stone, Annette Wright, Brian Wright
- 10 years: Malcolm Blight, Barbara Green, Trudy Hansen, Janice Menz, Ronald Schubert, Barbara Smyth
- 15 years: Gary Haebich, Rodney Milich, Trevor Nelson, Gloria Schafer
- 20 years: Bert Dunthorne, Marleen Dunthorne, Maureen Kennett, Yolette Koch, Cheryl Milich, Lee Morris
- 25 years: Chris Bown, Joy Schultz
- 35 years: Sandra Walding