Mannum Road works will take three months

$800,000 will go towards safety upgrades at multiple locations on a 30-kilometre stretch of the road between Mannum and Murray Bridge.

Mannum Road works will take three months
Drive safely and be cautious around workers for the next few months. Photo: Liana Webster

The road between Murray Bridge and Mannum will be a construction site for the next few months.

The upgrades, which started recently, will include shoulder sealing work, stormwater improvements and safety barrier installation.

Construction will continue until August of this year.

State Infrastructure and Transport Minister Tom Koutsantonis said investing in the safety of regional roads stimulated economic activity and provided local communities with lasting benefits.

“We had 117 lives lost on our roads last year and more than half of those were on country roads,” he said.

“Any fatality is one too many, and I am sure these upgrades will help reduce the risk of a serious injury or fatality.”

Speed and lane restrictions will be in place with temporary traffic signals to help manage the flow of traffic.

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