Murray Bridge student Zara Preston paints for peace

A Murray Bridge High School student has won the local Lions Club's peace poster competition for 2024.

Murray Bridge student Zara Preston paints for peace
Winning contester Zara Preston poses with her teacher Catherine Alcock and Murray Bridge Lions Club's Dawn McLaughlin. Photo: Catherine Alcock.

For peace to be anything more than a possibility, we need to make it a priority.

This year the theme of the Lions Club International's peace poster contest was "peace without limits".

The Murray Bridge Lions Clubs asked local students to create a poster that speaks to the infinite potential for kindness once a commitment is made to pursuing the idea of peace without limits.

The winning entry for this year's competition was Murray Bridge High School art student Zara Preston.

Her poster feature the peace symbol surrounded by a sunshine, clouds and flowers.

The Lions International Peace Poster Contest is a contest that encourages children, from ages 11 to 13, to creatively express what peace means to them.

Students are able to share their unique images of peace with others, so that we may all have greater tolerance and understanding.

Lions Clubs around the globe have been sponsoring this special contest for over three decades.

Creating peace posters gives children everywhere the chance to express their visions of peace and inspire the world through art and creativity.

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