Life Through the Lens: On holding on
Kevin Schrapel observes a vine clutching on to some old, dead leaves and wonders.
This post was contributed by Kevin Schrapel, and is the author’s personal opinion.
A couple of years ago, I wrote about a creeper on our back fence that had a fetish for clutching stones, even lifting them off the ground as it grew.
This vine honestly does not want to let go, even holding onto old and dead leaves that are no longer of any use.
I wonder how that makes the leaves feel?
I wonder how the leaves from this vine, already lying on the ground and rotting away, would feel?
Daily the media brings into our homes a continuous parade of people who society has dropped: the young, the old and even children, discarded, let go and left with lives lying on the ground, their self-confidence rotting away by time and indifference, discarded and treated by many as if they are valueless.
Are you one of those “leaves” in our society?
Have the colours of love, joy and value been washed from your life by continuous knockdowns and put-downs?
Does life just seem to blow you from one gutter to the next?
Well, cheer up!
There are accounts of a man who, as he walked the land of his birth, met many people who believed no one cared about them.
Check out these incidents in the Bible.
You will find them in the references.
He met a blind man and gave him sight (John 9:1-12).
He befriended an adulteress and gave her self-worth (John 8:1-11).
A woman who was despised met him, and her life changed (Luke 7:36-50).
He invited himself to the home of a cheating tax collector, hated in his town, and his life turned around (Luke 19:1-10).
He touched a man covered in the sores of leprosy, and the sores healed (Luke 17:11-19).
Of course, the man I am writing about is Jesus, the son of the living God, and his final words of encouragement to those who trusted him were, “Be sure of this: I am with you always, even to the end of the age” (John 28:8).
How do you trust Jesus?
Talk to him.
Listen to his words by reading them in the Bible and listening with your heart.
He promises not to drop you, and never to stop caring about you.
God bless.
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