Life Through the Lens: The impossible becomes visible

Life can be like a spiderweb, writes Kevin Schrapel.

Life Through the Lens: The impossible becomes visible

This post was contributed by Kevin Schrapel, and is the author’s personal opinion.

Can you see it? Photo: Kevin Schrapel.

As I was walking past the water outlet from the roof to the roadside gutter, I was stopped by something that had to be impossible.

Small pieces of foliage and old petals floated in mid-air, appearing as if nothing was supporting them.

They were suspended, with the dull sunlight casting shadows beneath them.

On my knees and looking closer, I could still not see anything supporting these pieces of wind-blown litter.

Changing my position and viewing angle, and as the sun shone out from behind a cloud, I finally saw it.

There, glinting in the sunlight, were the merest hints of a mostly invisible spiderweb.

Life can be like that.

Only when we pause, change our position, look more closely, let light shine in, will we see more clearly and better understand what previously had only created questions.

We all have times in our lives when we feel like litter.

Blown along the gutter of life, no one appears to care where I will finish up.

Even my friends are more interested in themselves than the support I might feel I need.

Or could it be that I’m too concerned with myself, and we have drifted apart, and the care I once relied on has drifted off to somewhere else, to someone else, without me realising what was happening?

Or maybe the friend’s care is still there, and I need to stop and look closely to recognise it; wrapped in my self-interest, I no longer see.

It is so easy to get so wrapped up in our own lives, our needs, our fears, our priorities, that we forget God.

We may even forget the times we have felt his supporting love.

We forget he has promised, “‘the mountains may shift, and the hills may be shaken, but my faithful love won’t shift from you, and my covenant of peace won’t be shaken,’ says the Lord” (Isaiah 54:10).

Maybe it could be the time to stop, look more closely, and realise that even though you may not have seen or felt God’s supportive love in your life, it has been there, continuously.

Stop and ask him to help you recognise his love, and care, for you in the everyday minutes of life.

He has also made this promise: “Be sure of this – that I am with you always, even to the end of the world” (Matthew 28:20).

Talk to him about it if you feel you could do with his support and love.

May you feel his love in your life, day by day.

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