Life Through the Lens: Light and water bring life

Kevin Schrapel thinks about light and water, literal and metaphorical.

Life Through the Lens: Light and water bring life

This post was contributed by Kevin Schrapel, and is the author’s personal opinion.

We need light and water, literal and metaphorical, to live. Photo: Kevin Schrapel.

We hardly notice the clickety-clack or the sibilant swoosh of the garden sprinkler as it dispenses its life-giving water to the plants that rely on it.

We stroll or jog through the light while it quietly turns chlorophyll into glucose and works together with the water and carbon dioxide to give us green plants, green lawns, green trees and green veggies.

All these greens and water and sunlight provide us with life.

With its abundance of high-tech gadgetry, even the space station needs light and water to grow plants.

We appear to be living in a world where life so quickly and unexpectedly can change from a river of joy to a dry creek bed of worry and discontent.

There appears that nothing can be done to bring back that once wonderful feeling of happiness.

Now is the time to truly soak up these words: words from the only one who can bring the change needed to turn your life from becoming a dry, barren shell to a new you, a new you again bubbling with joy.

The words from Jesus are: “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink; whoever believes in me, as scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them” (John 7:37).

This “living water” is not something we can produce within ourselves.

It is something that Jesus supplies because he wants you to have it in your life: a spirit of joy and thanksgiving which grows change, a new attitude, a new way of living.

Just as plants need light to reach their full potential, we need light.

Not only sunlight, but a light that shines into the darker parts of our lives and starts developing a new, fuller person, which will shine joy, light, friendship, forgiveness into our lives and the lives of others.

Guess what?

Again Jesus speaks, saying, “I am the light of the world; whoever follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life” (John 8:12).

What is this “light of life”?

The sure knowledge that God loves you and wants your life to be all that it can possibly be, no matter the past.

How to receive this life-changing “living water”, the “light of life”?

Quite simply, talk to God from the heart like you would a best friend.

Even if you’re not sure, don’t know much if anything about the Bible, about God, tell him, “Hey God, I really need you and all you offer as part of my life”.

God bless.

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