Life Through the Lens: Let love flow through life's locks

Kevin Schrapel takes inspiration from a trip up the River Murray.

Life Through the Lens: Let love flow through life's locks

This post was contributed by Kevin Schrapel, and is the author’s personal opinion.

Greetings from Bookpurnong. Photo: Kevin Schrapel.

This week’s Life Through the Lens comes to you from next to Lock Four at Bookpurnong, on the Murray River.

River locks are interesting things.

Combined with the weir across the river, they are essential for navigation and for the flow of life-giving water.

These days the bulk of the navigation is for relaxation, but go back many years and it was all about commerce – making a living and growing the country.

A lock would be pretty useless if water were not able to flow in and out of the chamber.

Without that flow, the water in the chamber would become a stagnant pool.

Think about the “through-flow” of love and care that takes place in humanity.

When love, care and support flow through individuals and communities, it is seen: when bushfire victims are supported, when struggling families are encouraged, when the neighbour across the road is handed a casserole with a kind word.

Care and support flow when young people who appear lost, confused and searching for clarity are offered understandable, friendly and practical advice and help, instead of condemnation and ridicule.

When these actions happen, love flows through.

But what about those times when you don’t feel like being someone who love flows through?

What about when you know your compassion needs to flow, but the gates don’t want to open?

Jesus knew there would be days like that.

Consequently, he said to his followers – and to me, you, and all who trust him:

“I leave the gift of peace with you – my peace. Not the kind of fragile peace given by the world, but my perfect peace. Don’t yield to fear or be troubled in your hearts. Instead, be courageous.” (John 14:27)

The water flows into and out of the locks through special person-sized valves, unseen, below the water – water which can raise or lower massive paddle steamers.

The love which can change lives flows into us from Jesus, often unseen through prayer, and the results can be beyond imagination, lifting the spirits and self-worth of people around us.

One of the early followers of Jesus said, “I can do everything through Christ who strengthens me” (Philippians 4:13).

God loves us all and wants his love to flow into our lives, but just imagine how many lives you could lift by letting the love of God flow through you into their lives.

Talk to him about someone you might know whose life needs a lift.

God bless, and happy lifting.

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