Life Through the Lens: Falling into cracks

In his Christian column, Kevin Schrapel reflects on a cracked footpath and the cracks so many of us fall into.

Life Through the Lens: Falling into cracks

This post is the author’s personal opinion.

Is it a leaf’s fault when it winds up in a crack in a footpath? Photo: Kevin Schrapel.

Even before the council upgraded the Adelaide Road Linear Park track – something they and all involved can be proud of – Ruth and I enjoyed walking this pathway.

However, recently I have started noting cracks are developing.

As we all know, the cracks will enlarge without repairs until the track and its usefulness crumble into rubble.

Sadly there is a comment we hear all too often in our society: he, she, they “fell through the cracks”.

While this statement always references someone who, for whatever reason, finds themselves struggling with life, I wonder if the term “fell into the crack” would be a more accurate description of the situation.

How does stuff get into the cracks along the footpath?

It gets blown in, washed in, and kicked in.

I wonder how many people in our society and our community finish up in the “cracks” of life by the same means.

Circumstances blow or wash us along through life – a sickness, a relationship gone wrong, a job lost, a silly decision made – and suddenly we can find ourselves in a position from which we may never escape.

There are also those who, through words or actions, get “kicked” into life’s cracks, unable to pull themselves up and out to continue a fulfilling life.

There is an account in the Bible of a follower of Jesus in a boat who, on seeing Jesus walking across a stormy sea, asked Jesus if he could go to him.

Jesus replied, “Sure, come on”.

Peter, who tended to be impetuous, climbed from the boat and started walking on water.

All went well until he concentrated more on the waves than on Jesus.

As Peter began to head for a watery grave, realising he could not save himself, he called out, “Save me, Lord”.

Jesus reached down and lifted him from the water, and together they walked to the boat and continued the journey (Matthew 14:24–33).

Do you know someone trying to pull themselves from a crack in life?

You may not be able to walk on water, but we can all reach down and lift up.

Sometimes all it takes is a kind word, a smile, or a friendly gesture.

Other times it may take more effort, but will you walk on past and scuff more hurt and pain on top of someone hanging on by their fingertips?

If you are scrabbling about down in the “crack”, are you prepared to reach up and say, “Jesus, I really need your help”?

You might be surprised by the hand reaching down.

Maybe we could all do a little more reaching down in 2023.

God bless you, this new year and always.

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