Life begins at 40 for Men’s Probus Club of Murray Bridge

The Men’s Probus Club of Murray Bridge held their 40th-anniversary luncheon at the RSL, with VIP speakers, live music and guests from other Probus clubs.

Life begins at 40 for Men’s Probus Club of Murray Bridge

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Men’s Probus Club of Murray Bridge life member and current jokemaster Bruno Lablack with his ever-ready joke booklet. Photo: Michael X. Savvas.

It was a full house at the Murray Bridge RSL, as the Men’s Probus Club of Murray Bridge celebrated 40 years of boon companionship and interesting guest speakers.

Probus club members from Lameroo, Meningie and Mannum, along with Federal Member for Barker Tony Pasin, members of the Mobilong Ladies’ Probus Club and wives and friends all joined in the fun.

Karen and Noel Kneebone provided the live music, and speakers at the event included local historian Mr Ken Wells and Probus Ambassador Dr Philip Wilksch.

In his speech – derailed temporarily by a passing train – Dr Wilksch explained the philosophy of Probus clubs, which, distinct from Rotary clubs, weren’t service clubs.

“They [Probus] look after the needs and interests of their members,” he said.

“Our main purpose is to enjoy ourselves – we want to make life easier, nor harder.”

Judging by the 40th anniversary celebrations, guests were indeed enjoying being part of Probus.

For example, Probus Murray Bridge vice president John Pohl spoke of the importance of name badges for helping members form friendships and joked how as a former club sheriff, he would fine members for not wearing name badges – or for barracking for Port Adelaide.

Another member and past president of the club, Bruno Lablack, had achieved a lot in life, including starting the first driver reviver program in Australia, in which people driving through Keith would be offered free coffee and tea to keep them awake and alive.

Mr Lablack also had a gossamer wool company, which supplied wool for a gown made for the Pope.

“Gossamer wool’s as fine as a fairy’s fart,” Mr Lablack said.

In a previous role for his Probus club , Mr Lablack organised numerous speakers.

“I got 137 speakers over 20 years, so I served my appreciticeship,” he said.

Currently, Mr Lablack, who carried a joke booklet in his back pocket at the anniversary lunch, is the club’s official “jokemaster”.

Many members’ wives attended the lunch, and Helen O’Connor revealed her husband Burnie once chased away a thief who tried to break into Helen’s car, but Burnie was naked during the chase except for a pair of boots (Rossi boots for those who like details).

Although the Men’s Probus Club of Murray Bridge sits at around 80 members, club vice president Mr Pohl encourages more retired and semi-retired men to join and experience monthly speakers and lunches, make good friends and just enjoy themselves.

Men’s Probus Club of Murray Bridge secretary Sam Godden, vice president John Pohl, Ken Wells and Probus Ambassador Philip Wilksch. Photo: Michael X. Savvas.

More information on Men’s Probus Club of Murray Bridge

More information on Mobilong Ladies’ Probus Club

  • Contact club president Joy Morris on 0418 826 479 or club secretary Lois Gravestocks on 0414 727 665 or at