Learner drivers, parents invited to road safety forum in Murray Bridge
Safer journeys start together, SA Police say – that’s why crash survivor Holly Scott is coming to share her message.

Holly Scott counts herself lucky that she survived a road accident in the Adelaide Hills as a 22-year-old, back in 2017.
Not everyone gets that second chance.
Now she has dedicated her life to spreading messages about the importance of road safety – and she will do so in Murray Bridge next week.
Learner drivers and their supervisors are invited to come and hear from her and her father, plus speakers from SA Police’s Road Safety Centre, at Murray Bridge High School next Thursday night.
Ms Scott will share the short film Driven: The Story of Holly Scott, about her experience and recovery.
“I think it’s important that young drivers don’t underestimate how quickly things can go wrong,” she said.
“It only takes one second to change your life forever.”
SA Police Senior Sergeant Susan O’Connor said the forum would give young drivers and their loved ones an opportunity to talk about road safety together.
The session will also include information about:
- how to obtain a learner’s permit
- road safety issues for new drivers
- the so-called “fatal five” causes of road trauma
Parents and guardians will be able to update their knowledge of the Australian road rules, the conditions that apply to learners and supervising drivers, and vehicle safety ratings.
The Safer Journeys Together forum will run from 6.30 to 8.30pm next Thursday night, November 2, at Murray Bridge High School.
- Register: www.eventbrite.com.au.
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