Employers wanted ahead of jobs fair for Beston workers

The Local Jobs Program Murray and South East is offering hope to those affected by the closure of the dairy factories at Murray Bridge and Jervois.

Employers wanted ahead of jobs fair for Beston workers
The Local Jobs Program Murray and South East is swinging into action to help Beston workers. Image: Peri Strathearn/Local Jobs Program Murray and South East.

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If you have a job going at the moment, Christine Willersdorf wants to hear from you.

The Local Jobs Program facilitator is planning a jobs fair next Friday, December 13, for the more than 150 employees affected by the collapse of the Beston Global Food Company.

Workers will be provided a chance to have discussions with local employers from 10am to 3pm at the Murraylands Skills Centre on Bridge Street, Murray Bridge.

Approximately 12 local employers and services had registered to attend the event by Wednesday afternoon, but Ms Willersdorf is calling out for more employers to attend.

Businesses, companies or services currently seeking to hire new team members are encouraged to register for the event – click below.

Career conversations, resume and cover letter assistance and information about all the opportunities and services will be available to Beston employees and families.

The LJP team, along with a representative from the federal Department of Employment and Workplace Relations, met with Beston Foods last Thursday.

They have also been visiting Beston's Jervois factory this Wednesday and Thursday, and planned to go to the Murray Bridge factory next Wednesday.

They will be helping to navigate access to Centrelink payments, career conversations, resume support, connections to Workforce Australia providers and additional financial counselling and wellbeing support.

The team will be working from the skills centre until Christmas to provide a one-stop shop for Beston’s employees to pop in and get any support they may require.

The Murraylands Skills Centre will be the first point of contact either via phone or in person for any person who has been affected by the closure.

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