Jan Hall laps the field at Murray Bridge Auto Collectors Club presentation dinner
The club has held its presentation night for 2022-23.

This post was contributed by Graham Edwards.

It is that time of the year again when the Auto Collectors Club of Murray Bridge members get together to be informed as to who are the worthy recipients who will receive the club’s yearly awards for runs, quizzes and services rendered for 2022-23.
Although numbers were down slightly this year due to some members still a little hesitant about that dreaded word COVID and the risk of mixing in confined areas at venues, almost 30 members met on a cool winter’s night on June 17 at the Park Lane Vietnamese restaurant.
With members seated and enjoying the usual chit chat, ranging from the Voice legislation to upcoming club outings and the River Murray Glows festival being held on the same night, president Claude Minge hit the gong and called members to order.
He welcomed all present and outlined the format for the evening as entrees were being served.
The official part of the evening commenced with the pres calling all to order for the first presentations, where perpetual trophies” were handed by ther 2021-22 winners to Mr Minge and evening organiser Brenda Cowie.
The perpetual trophy winners for 2022-23 were:
- Valvoline Trophy (most points scored for attending runs and meetings): Jan Hall
- Patron’s Run (winner of a competition set by Patron Bob Hunter): Jan Hall
- President’s Trophy (member chosen for continuing club service): Jan Hall
- Sausage sizzle quiz winner: Dennis Scarman
- Ladies’ Day quiz winners: Elizabeth and Claude Minge
- Founder’s Trophy (most interesting run/event during the year): June and Terry Mabbitt

In awarding the President’s Trophy to treasurer Jan Hall, Mr Minge paid tribute to her for her work, commitment and guidance throughout his years as president, along with congratulating all other trophy winners.
On completion of the presentations, members applauded the successful trophy winners, after which the evening’s main courses were served.
At the conclusion of the meal, Mr Minge thanked Ms Cowie for organising the event, the trophies and venue; and all members for their attendance.
He also reminded members of the upcoming AGM to be held on July 4 at 7.30pm at the Johnstone Park clubrooms, while encouraging all members to consider nominating for the positions on the committee for 2023-24.
“New faces on management bring new thoughts and ideas for club runs and outings – please consider,” he said.
Finally he reminded all present of the weekend run being planned for August 12-13, along with the pub run to Meningie on July 16.
More info will be available at the July meeting.
With the evening over for another year, many members moved out onto the veranda of the Park Lane to view the the Glows fireworks, before driving past to view the town hall, the old Noske flour mill and the riverfront bunyip areas before returning to their respective homes after a good night out.
- More information: autocollectorsmurraybridge.com.
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