Hitting middle age? Make time for a health check
In the wake of Men’s Health Week, Murray Bridge Day and Night Surgery is urging all men in their 40s and 50s to check on their physical and mental health.
This sponsored story is brought to you by Murray Bridge Day and Night Surgery.
You work hard, you spend most of your weekend chasing the kids around, and you’re not as young and fit as you used to be.
Does that sound like you?
Men’s Health Week has just passed, but it’s not too late to do something important for yourself.
Get a basic health check.
“As you get to that age group where you’re looking after your kids a lot, too often you’re looking after them and not looking after yourself,” says Wendy Ziersch, practice manager at Murray Bridge Day and Night Surgery.
“You don’t find that time – or make that time – to have a chat to a health professional.”
It’s important to think about these things, though.
“A lot of people don’t know they’ve got high blood pressure, or they don’t think about their family history until someone in their extended family is affected by chronic disease,” she says.
“It’s around (your 40s) that diabetes or early metabolic issues will sneak in, your blood pressure might be elevated and heart problems can happen.
“A simple heart check is really important.”
That is especially true for farmers, who are so often isolated as they work the land, and exposed to stresses beyond those experienced by people working in many other occupations.
“When you’re out on a tractor, especially at this time of year, so many hours go by, you’re tired and you worry a lot: about debt, about rain, about whether the seed you’re growing is going to come up,” she says.
“It’s probably not helpful to have that much space (to worry) at times.
“But there’s services out there, and people in our area, who can help.
“That’s really important for our farming community to know.”
Murray Bridge Day and Night Surgery offers health checks for men aged 45 to 49 which can identify whether you may be at risk of developing chronic disease later in life.
For farmers, resources such as I Farm Well can help you cope with life’s challenges and get the most out of every day.
Numerous other services around the Murraylands can help with your physical and mental health, too, either on site or remotely.
So don’t delay – book a chat with your GP and get the ball rolling.
- Book a health check: Visit Murray Bridge Day and Night Surgery at 35-37 Adelaide Road, Murray Bridge between 8am and 9pm on weekdays, call 8531 2988 or visit www.murraybridgemedical.com.au.
- Get help: Visit ifarmwell.com.au or listen to the I Farm Well podcast on Apple Podcasts, Spotify or Soundcloud.
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