Harry Howitt named auto collectors club’s new president

A Murray Bridge car club has had a change of leadership.

Harry Howitt named auto collectors club’s new president

This post was contributed by Graham Edwards.

Harry Howitt receives Claude Minge’s congratulations on his election as president of the Auto Collectors Club of Murray Bridge. Photo: Graham Edwards.

A new president has been chosen at the Auto Collectors Club of Murray Bridge’s annual general meeting for 2023.

President Claude Minge opened the meeting on July 4 by welcoming all 61 members present, mentioning birthdays, anniversaries and a safety message before calling the meeting to order.

Secretary Liz Minge then read the minutes from the 2022 AGM, which were accepted by all in attendance.

With no business arising from those minutes, Mr Minge gave his annual report from the past year.

He mentioned the success of a grant application from the state government of $10,000 to be used for the upgrading of a new PA system, a large TV to be wall-mounted, a new photocopier and new laptops for registrars, log books and membership.

He also thanked the members who had organised runs, outings and public vehicle displays around the area, reflecting on and thanking the team on committee who had served him and the club during his six years as president.

He concluded, wishing his successor and the new committee all the best for the year ahead.

At this point Mr Minge vacated the chair, calling upon member Mary Rowley to conduct the 2023-24 elections.

The following positions were voted on and accepted by the members present:

  • Patron: Bob Hunter
  • President: Harry Howitt
  • Vice president: Claude Minge
  • Secretary: Debb Schiller, assisted by Elizabeth Minge
  • Treasurer: Jan Hall
  • Head registrar: Darren Fountain, assisted by Tim Stroh, David Burt, Jeff Schiller and Andrew MacKinnon.
  • Publicity and Historian: Graham Edwards
  • Membership: Trevor Wehrman
  • Points secretary: Elaine Bretag
  • Webmaster: Pieter Kriel, assisted by Yvonne Mach
  • Editor: Yvonne Mach, assisted by Peter Mach
  • Committee: Brenda Cowie, Shirley Sellick, Tim Stroh, John Courtney, Bret Zastera
  • Federation representative: Andrew MacKinnon
  • Librarian: Ricky Kaak
  • Public officer: Debb Schiller

Following the elections, Mr Minge welcomed incoming Mr Howitt to the chair and congratulated all new committee members.

Mr Howitt gave an informative and interesting outline of his life.

The meeting continued with reports and upcoming run reminders before being declared closed.

The club’s next meeting will be on August 1 at 7.30pm in the combined clubrooms at Johnstone Park, Murray Bridge.

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