Grassroots grants will make the Murraylands greener

The local landscape board will invest more than $730,000 in projects around the region, including at Murray Bridge Preschool Kindergarten.

Grassroots grants will make the Murraylands greener
The area behind Shirley Hartman, Kalief, and Rosheen Blumson will soon be filled with green gardens and places to relax. Photo: Liana Webster.

More than $732,000 will be spent across the Murraylands and Riverland region to help improve the condition of local environments, the local landscape board has announced.

A total of 45 community groups were awarded in funding by the Murraylands and Riverland Landscape Board.

A range of projects will start in the next year including revegetation, educational programs and conservation works.

The regional education sector was very successful, with 11 schools and kindergartens awarded.

This included Murray Bridge Preschool Kindergarten, who were granted $10,000.

Director Shirley Hartman said she had long wanted to utilise the vacant land out the front of the kindy, and after nearly 18 months, that wish would come true.