Golf club greens keeper named MTE SA trainee of the year for 2021
Murray Bridge Golf Club staff member Hayden Rosenberg is among 13 apprentices and trainees honoured at an awards night on Friday.

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Murray Bridge Golf Club grounds keeper Hayden Rosenberg has been named trainee of the year at an annual awards showcase in Murray Bridge.
Local training organisation MTE SA hosted more than 250 people at the elegant event at the Bridges Event Centre on Friday night.
Among those honoured was the second-year trainee in sports turf management, a staff member at the golf club under greens keeper Joe Ross.
Mr Rosenberg got a laugh for his victory speech.
“I’d like to say a big thanks to myself for actually working my arse off,” he said with a grin.
“I guess it does pay off.”

The evening’s major award, apprentice of the year, went to electrician Robert Correll of Class A Energy Systems, a solar installer based at Glenside.
Mechanic Jack Dee of Ronco Motors, at Karoonda, was named school-based apprentice of the year.
A full-timer of the year award went to plumber Cameron Jacob, of Haig and Menzel in Murray Bridge; and a labour hire award to early childhood educator Natalie Koch, the coordinator at Karoonda’s childcare centre.
Chairman’s awards went to Jazmin-May Callaghan, a trainee administrator with Murray Bridge Racing Club, and Mitchell Hampel, an apprentice heavy vehicle mechanic at Bridge Hydraulics and Mechanical.

Other award winners included:
- Excellence in building trades: Benjamin Palmer, Kaizen Plumbing
- Excellence in engineering/mechanical trades: Joshua Bell, Chapman Heavy Mechanical
- Fourth-year apprentice: Angelika Bjersander, Meningie Bakery
- Second-year apprentice: Dyllan Hann, Moore Engineering
- First-year apprentice: Sharon Jardine, Mount Mary Hotel
- First-year trainee: Benjamin Simmons, Broadacre Bacon Farming Company
More photos of the winners follow below.

Previous trainee of the year Foster Davis encouraged all award nominees to keep following their career paths, wherever they might lead.
His own path started with an admin traineeship at Murray Mallee Aged Care, which led him to further training in marketing and, eventually, his present position as the organisation’s deputy CEO.
“Whether you have a clear dream or not, it doesn’t matter,” he said.
“Don’t just be a dreamer, be a doer.”

State Industry and Skills Minister David Pisoni also congratulated all the nominees, who he said were “your industries’ future leaders, and the future of regional SA”.
Traineeships and apprenticeships were becoming more popular than ever, he told the crowd – more than 22,000 people were currently completing them across South Australia.
About 140 were doing so through MTE SA at present, company chairman Matt Menzel said.
Fifty-six were nominated for awards on the night.

Disclosure: The author attended the awards dinner as a guest of MTE SA, and won third prize in the raffle (a basket of pampery bathroom things, which were presented to the author’s wife). Correction: An earlier version of this post gave an incorrect employer for Dyllan Hann, and an incorrect name on one photo.