Free tools can help businesses build their profile online

Members of the Women in Business Regional Network have heard from marketing consultant Helen Sampson at their latest Murray Bridge lunch.

Free tools can help businesses build their profile online

This post was contributed by the Women in Business Regional Network.

Kathy Speake, Sandra Carruthers, Paula Dickson, Jodie Austin, Helen Sampson, Tina Bambury, Justine Searby and Kelly White learn about online tools. Photo: Women in Business Regional Network.

Murray Bridge business women will be more equipped to boost their online presence thanks to a recent lunch for the Women in Business Regional Network.

The lunch was held at the Bridgeport Hotel last Monday and attracted women from as far away as the Barossa Valley and Eden Valley.

The guest speaker, Helen Sampson from Jagged Crow Creative, gave a comprehensive presentation about some of the free online tools, many from Google, to help businesses not only improve their online presence, but to also monitor it.

She said a priority for any business should be to get a free listing on Google My Business, which helped with profile and offered plenty of opportunities to keep the public informed about the business, including changes to operating hours.

“Google is so much more than a search engine,” she said.

“It offers a range of powerful tools to assist with marketing, too.”

Some of the more interesting tools were those used to determine what people put into search engines, and the questions they asked about products and services.

Some of the answers were surprising to those in attendance.

Although mainly focused on the free tools, Ms Sampson also gave a brief overview on Google Adwords, how they worked and what to watch out for if trying to organise them without expert assistance.

The next Murray Bridge lunch, the last for the year, will be held on Monday, October 18, when Nan Berrett from Word Solutions in the Clare Valley will hand out tips on how to get more from networking.

The Women in Business Regional Network is open to business owners, managers, staff and those dreaming of owning their own business.

You don’t have to be a member to attend events, but bookings are essential via Eventbrite.

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