Fraser Park kids jump at a dingle dangle scarecrow challenge
A group of preschool and junior primary students in Murray Bridge have got creative for a scarecrow competition.

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Meet Pop and Mr Pockets.
The two scarecrows were born at Fraser Park Preschool this term, made by the creative kids at the preschool, in reception and years 1 and 2.
The biggest journey of their straw-stuffed lives lies ahead of them this week: they’re off to Adelaide for a competition.
Gardening Australia gurus Sophie Thomson and Costa Georgiadis had originally planned to judge the scarecrow contest at the Royal Adelaide Show.
But with the show cancelled, they’ll do it at the Adelaide Botanic Gardens instead.
Preschool teacher Bec Phillips said her children had spent ages drawing and writing about their ideas for the two scarecrows.

In a class vote, they decided to make Mr Pockets from Stephen Michael King’s book The Pocket Dogs – who narrowly defeated the caterpillar from The Very Hungry Caterpillar and a crayon from The Day the Crayons Quit – and a Country Fire Service firefighter.
They made lists of the things a good scarecrow needed – stuffing, clothes, faces, props – and spent term three finding and making.
“We had lots of good discussions during our circle times and learned lots of good songs like Dingle Dangle Scarecrow,” Ms Phillips said.
“The local CFS were able to help us source a firefighter uniform, which tied in with our keeping people safe curriculum and people we can trust in our community.
“It has been a really good project for these guys working together.”

The scarecrow competition will be judged on Friday.
The school will share the results on its Facebook page or in its newsletter.