Final River Revival voucher ballot drawn

The winners of discounted holidays in the Murray River, Lakes and Coorong have been notified following a ballot on Wednesday.

Final River Revival voucher ballot drawn
A total of 2500 winners will get to enjoy a River Murray holiday at a discount following a ballot draw on Wednesday. Photo: Murray River, Lakes and Coorong.

A ballot drawn this week has given 2500 South Australians a chance to get discounted holidays in the Murray River, Lakes and Coorong.

Registrations opened on Monday and closed on Tuesday for the final voucher draw in the state government’s River Revival program, intended to revive local tourism in the wake of last summer’s floods.

Winners were notified on Wednesday.

They will be able to use their vouchers for either:

  • $750 off a houseboat holiday
  • $200 off accommodation, or
  • $100 off an experience

The vouchers will be redeemable for travel anytime between now and June 30.

State Tourism Minister Zoe Bettison said she was proud that South Australians had heeded the call to “rise up for our river” over the past year.

“We know the River Revival vouchers work, with this initiative already generating a whopping $10.7 million for our Murray River, Lakes and Coorong and Riverland regions, which has helped drive visitor spend beyond to a combined $604 million (over 12 months),” she said.

“This final River Revival voucher round will go the extra mile to drive more visitors into hard-hit tourism operators.”

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