Dozens dive into Community Living Australia’s All Abilities Festival

Murray Bridge Swimming Centre has hosted a celebration for people living with disability.

Dozens dive into Community Living Australia’s All Abilities Festival

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Three women pose for a photo at Murray Bridge's swimming pool.
Betty-Ann Egel, Tania Sickerdick and Keri-Anne Waa, of Murray Bridge, enjoy the All Abilities Festival. Photo: Peri Strathearn.

Almost 100 people have dived into a day of fun, sport and dancing for people living with disability in Murray Bridge.

A year after its post-COVID return, Community Living Australia’s All Ability Festival shifted to Murray Bridge Swimming Centre last Thursday.

Participants and carers came from as far away as Adelaide, the Riverland and the South East to splash around, play soccer and Connect Four and catch up with one another.

Chief executive Mark Kulinski said CLA had wanted to provide an opportunity for people with different abilities to socialise and have fun, whether they were clients of the organisation or not.

“Anyone with a disability can come along,” he said.

“Our funding comes from taxpayers via the National Disability Insurance Agency … so we figure anything we do is for the community.”

This year’s event attracted a crowd almost twice as big as last year.

No doubt planning will soon get underway for something bigger and better in 2024.