Country Life mural unveiled at Lerwin Nursing Home
Local service clubs and high school students have come together to create a brighter picture for staff and residents at a Murray Bridge aged care facility.
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A colourful country mural has been unveiled at Lerwin Nursing Home in Murray Bridge.
The murals were designed and painted by the current year 10 art students at Murray Bridge High.
The project was put together by the combined service clubs of Murray Bridge.
This included Inner Wheel of Mobilong, Kiwanis club of Murray Bridge, Lions club of Murray Bridge, Lions Club of Murray Bridge City, Rotary clubs of Mobilong and Murray Bridge and Soroptomists International Murray Bridge.
Each group came together to join funds and create this project for the Lewin nursing home community.
The idea was initially inspired by the need to enhance a dull fence, then evolved into creating a mural to stimulate a reflective environment for the residents.
Lions club president Hylton Moritz said each club had different roles to play in the community.
Ultimately they all shared the same goal of trying to make a difference.
“It’s coming from us as a community, and going to Lerwin, where a lot of older members come for support,” he said.
“A lot of the people here come from around the districts and they’ve grown up in the country.”
Murray Bridge High School art teachers Kylie Brunato and Matt Perriman were grateful to the clubs for providing students with the opportunity.
“They have worked incredibly hard from the initial design sketches to the final adjustments, making this mural a truly special piece for all the residents and staff to enjoy,” Ms Brunato said.
The theme for the mural was “country life”, featuring green fields, tractors and farm animals.
Mayor Wayne Thorley’s only criticism was that the tractor wasn’t green with yellow wheels – the colours of his brand of choice.
“Seeing all those clubs work together is something really impressive and special to me, sometimes there can be rivalries but I’ve never seen that in Murray Bridge,” he said.
“When we bring the youth, elderly and everyone in between together not only does it have great outcomes but it also adds what real life is really about.”
Major sponsors for the mural included Crowies Paints and Bridge Building Supplies, who donated paint and material supplies.
With the support of all involved in the mural effort, Mr Moritz hoped it could be an ongoing project in the future.
“It will brighten up a few people's lives.”