Coorong council rates may go up by 8.5 per cent in 2024-25

Councillors have drafted their next annual business plan and budget ahead of a public consultation period that will start next week.

Coorong council rates may go up by 8.5 per cent in 2024-25
Property rates will go up again in the Coorong district in 2024-25. Photo: Beyond Images/Getty Images.

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Coorong property owners can expect to pay 8.5 per cent higher council rates in 2024-25, the district’s council has revealed.

The figure, included in the council’s draft budget for the next 12 months, amounts to a 3% increase over and above the effects of inflation and rising property values.

Residents and farmers will actually pay a slightly lower rate in the dollar compared with this year, but almost everyone’s bills are still likely to go up.

For an average homeowner, the increase is likely to be about $110.

The council plans to spend its annual budget of $20 million on projects including:

Almost half of the council’s spending will be on roads.

Mayor Paul Simmons said councillors had been able to make “significant” savings since being presented with a first draft of the budget earlier this year.

“The resulting 2024-25 draft budget presents a balance between the requirements for council’s long-term financial sustainability, the immediate community needs and a genuine effort to minimise cost impacts upon the community,” he said in an introduction to the document.

“We fully understand that cost-of-living pressures continue to present very real challenges to our residential, agricultural, industry and community groups.

“Council also continues to be challenged by these impacts.”

CEO Bridget Mather said she was satisfied that the council was operating in a financially sustainable manner.

There’s plenty to love about life in the Coorong district. Photo: Coorong District Council.

The draft budget will be published on the council’s website, and copies made available at its offices, after a public consultation period starts next Thursday.

Members of the public will have until May 23 to have their say, including at a public meeting at Tailem Bend the night before the deadline.

Councillors will then make any necessary changes and adopt the final version of the budget at a meeting on June 25.

  • Have your say: Attend a public meeting at the Coorong council office at Tailem Bend at 6.30pm on May 22, or meetings at Meningie Bowling Club on May 8 or the Tintinara council office on May 15; or visit after next Thursday, May 2.

Clarification: The headline has been updated to reflect the fact that the rate increase is not yet locked in.

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