Chelsea Eldridge named young organic leader of the year

The team at an farm just outside Murray Bridge is celebrating a win at the 2024 Australian Organic Industry Awards.

Chelsea Eldridge named young organic leader of the year
Chelsea and Shane Eldridge have been recognised as industry leaders at an awards ceremony in Melbourne. Photo: Leverage PR.

The team at a Sunnyside farm are celebrating after one of their own was named young organic leader of the year at the 2024 Australian Organic Industry Awards.

Eldridge Fresh Organics business support manager Chelsea Eldridge won the honour at a ceremony in Melbourne on Friday.

In accepting the award, she said it was exciting to be part of a sector-leading family business.

“I hope this award inspires women of all ages to consider a career in the agriculture sector,” she said.

“Working in the family business and contributing to a growing industry continues to be a dream come true for me.

“My dad, Shane, has been an outstanding mentor and has always been there with practical advice, enabling me to proactively focus on the future growth and success of the business.”

Shane Eldridge was a finalist in the farmer of the year category at Friday night’s awards, in recognition of his efforts to integrate new sustainable farming practices into the business.

Eldridge Fresh Organics has produced hand-sown and harvested organic vegetables for wholesalers, supermarkets and independent retailers since 1997.

The company holds an Australian Certified Organic Standard certification.

Its produce includes tomatoes, potatoes, onions, cucumbers, celery, cauliflowers, zucchinis and capsicums, grown on 350 acres just outside Murray Bridge.

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