Car clubbers create cardboard contraptions on inaugural Conrad Weekend
Members of the Auto Collectors Club of Murray Bridge have headed to the Riverland for a new event.

This post was contributed by Elaine Bretag and Graham Edwards of the Auto Collectors Club of Murray Bridge.

Nine members in five vehicles have represented the Auto Collectors Club of Murray Bridge at a new event, the Conrod Weekend, in the Riverland.
The event on April 24, sponsored by the Riverland Vintage/Classic Car Club, replaced the Pinnaroo campout which had run for more than 40 years.
Thirty-eight vehicles and 72 members attended from the Riverland and Murray Bridge clubs, the Murray Mallee and a Bordertown club.
Participants were welcomed to Cobdogla by RVCCC president Warren May, and were invited to join a tour of the district, heading to Renmark, Berri and then back to Cobdogla for afternoon tea.
At 6.30pm members were treated to a barbecue tea, followed by light entertainment which involved four men from each club designing, then making a cardboard vehicle within a time period, along with one female selected from each club to design and wear a garment and hat made from an assortment of plastic bags, doilies et cetera, before the completed vehicles and fashions were judged, with points awarded for the best creations.

On Sunday the 25th, Anzac Day, all participants met at the RVCCC clubrooms for a show and shine.
At 9.30am, the Barmera RSL Club organized an ANZAC memorial service in front of the clubrooms, with 82 people in attendance.
Morning tea was served in the clubrooms while, on the stage, a DVD showed a collection of ANZAC photos to a selection of inspiring music from the war years 1939-1945, which was very moving, put together by RVCCC members.
At 10.30am everyone headed over the road to the Cobdogla oval to begin the customary assortment of skill games, played with great finesse, to decide which club would become the winner of the 2021 “Conrod Trophy”.
The winner was RVCCC, retaining it from the previous year before COVID; Murray Bridge came third.
The perfect autumn weather, and opportunity to catch up with old friends and make new acquaintances, made the weekend enjoyable.
The next Conrod Weekend will be sponsored by the Bordertown Car Club sometime in early May 2022, so please put the event into your diary for next year.
A very enjoyable weekend was had by all, it was worth coming to, thanks must go to to the RVCCC for their great organisation, albeit at relatively short notice – well done.
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