Bunyip, Beast perform well at inaugural Tailem Bend pedal prix

Unity College, Murray Bridge North School and St Joseph's School have all competed in the first race at The Bend Motorsport Park.

Bunyip, Beast perform well at inaugural Tailem Bend pedal prix
Unity College’s Bunyip team placed 16th overall at the inaugural Tailem Bend pedal prix. Photo: Unity College/Facebook.

Three Murray Bridge schools have had solid results in the first pedal prix race ever to have been held at The Bend Motorsport Park.

Unity College’s Bunyip team placed second in the senior school category, and 16th overall out of 181 starters.

One of Murray Bridge North School’s two vehicles, the Beast, finished fourth in the junior school category.

North School’s riders pose for a team photo. Photo: Murray Bridge North School/Facebook.

The two schools’ second vehicles – Minnie Mouse and the Sun of the Beast, respectively – finished a little way further back but competed hard.

Riders in the two vehicles from St Joseph’s School gained some useful experience as they finished down the rankings in the junior school category.

The Australian HPV Super Series will return to Tailem Bend on July 31 and finish its season with the customary 24-hour race at Murray Bridge’s Sturt Reserve on September 11 and 12.

Close to 200 human-powered vehicles line up on the starting grid at The Bend Motorsport Park. Photo: Australian International Pedal Prix/Facebook.
The Bunyip outpaces a rival. Photo: Australian International Pedal Prix/Facebook.
Unity’s all-female Minnie Mouse team puts in a top effort. Photo: Unity College/Facebook.
St Joseph’s School took to the track with a slick new look. Photo: Murraylands Ink/Facebook.

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