Barbershop offers free haircuts to Murray Bridge locals in need

“If we all did something, imagine how much better the whole world would be.”

Barbershop offers free haircuts to Murray Bridge locals in need
Leo Foch pulls a face as Marcus Yassin gives him a trim and Dorothy Maple holds on at Muscle Cutz on Tuesday. Photo: Peri Strathearn.

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Dozens of locals in need are looking smarter than ever this week after a Murray Bridge barbershop offered them free haircuts as a community outreach measure.

In a Facebook post, the owners of Muscle Cutz, on Adelaide Road, said they believed in “the power of community and the importance of giving back” to people living with disability or experiencing homelessness.

“This is more than just a haircut; it’s an opportunity to uplift spirits.”

So individuals, families and support workers streamed into the shop on Tuesday between 10am and 2pm, and came out walking or rolling a little taller.

“We’ve done it in the past,” Muscle Cuts’ Jen Valizadeh said.

“We wanted to start giving back more to the community and make sure there’s an option for people who can’t afford (haircuts).

“It’s an overall feel-good day.”

Looking sharp are Danny Hobbs, Tyson Russell, Josh Qualmann and Sam Valizadeh. Photo: Peri Strathearn.

Mushroom producers Costa donated gift bags for everyone, and the Avoca Dell Caravan Park gave mini-golf vouchers.

Out the front, local playground builder James Eming cooked free sausages on a barbecue loaned by Genuine Support Services SA.

This was what community was all about, he said.

“If you all do a little bit, if we all did something, imagine how much better the whole world would be,” he said.

“It’s a cliché, but it’s not.”

James Eming serves sausages outside Muscle Cutz on Tuesday. Photo: Peri Strathearn.
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