Assistance dog will be allowed to attend Murray Bridge High School after all
With the media spotlight shining bright, the school has agreed to let Logan Reese take his assistance dog Hunter to class.

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Murray Bridge High School has agreed to let Logan Reese take his assistance dog Hunter to the school.
On Wednesday morning, Logan’s mother Murianna Reese met with the principal of MBHS and representatives from the Department for Education who specialised in setting up dogs in schools.
Integrating Hunter into the school will be done in stages to work out logistics such as where Hunter’s toilets and dog bowls need to go.
A dog handler also needs to be arranged.
“Logan will be ecstatic!” Ms Reese said.
According to Ms Reese, Logan had been stressed about attending school without Hunter and was bullied by other students, a situation which she felt wouldn’t have happened if his dog had been with him.
Ms Reese said that Logan told her, “I don’t want to go until Hunter’s there”.
On Thursday morning, Hunter will take Logan to his classroom for the first time, and then Logan’s mother will take Hunter home.
“Hunter needs to be acclimatised to what’s going on, and the students need to get used to seeing Hunter at the school.”
Another meeting between MBHS and Ms Reese has been scheduled in a month’s time to see how Hunter and Logan are settling in to the school.
“By then, we’ll hopefully have Hunter at the school,” Ms Reese said.
Ms Reese thanked Murray Bridge News for breaking the story about Hunter in January, which led to state and national media coverage, including a story on Channel Seven show Sunrise on Wednesday morning.
“You started it all,” she said.