Feline helpful: Murray Bridge council makes cat desexing, microchipping more affordable

The council has launched a new program to help manage the local cat population.

Feline helpful: Murray Bridge council makes cat desexing, microchipping more affordable
Desexing cats reduces the number of unwanted cats and helps cats live longer and stronger. Photo: Unsplash/Bogdan Farca.

The Murray Bridge council, in collaboration with the National Desexing Network and a local vet clinic, has launched a subsidised desexing and microchipping program to help residents control the cat population.

Desexing and microchipping cats in Australia can be expensive, but through this new initiative, eligible residents of the Murray Bridge council, including pensioners and those on a low income, can have their cat desexed for $50.

There’s also the option for eligible residents to have their cat microchipped for just $5.

The subsidies for this program will be distributed on a first-come, first served basis and will depend on the availability of council funds.

Murray Bridge mayor Wayne Thorley encouraged people to take advantage of this program, which will lessen the council’s financial burden from animal management and help preserve native wildlife by reducing the number of stray and unwanted cats.

“Desexing is a responsible choice that not only curbs the number of unwanted animals but also contributes to a healthier, longer life for pets,” he said.

Cats should be desexed at around three months old, as they can become pregnant from just four months old.

As the National Desexing Network manages the program, interested residents can contact it on 1300 368 992 to determine their eligibility.

Eligible applicants will receive a desexing voucher and can then make an appointment with the participating vet.

  • More information: Visit ndn.org.au or phone 1300 368 992.

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