Another service station in Murray Bridge? This company wants to build one

The Murray Bridge council has received an application to build an X Convenience on Swanport Road.

Another service station in Murray Bridge? This company wants to build one

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An artist’s impression of the proposed service station, as viewed from the corner of Owl Drive and Swanport Road. Image: Ekistics/Rural City of Murray Bridge.

Stop us if you’ve heard this one before: Murray Bridge may be getting another service station.

Development Holdings Pty Ltd has applied to build a $2 million Mobil servo and Burger X restaurant on the corner of Owl Drive and Swanport Road.

The site is currently occupied by a mostly empty row of shops.

Development Holdings is seeking approval for X Convenience to operate the complex 24 hours per day, much like the OTR which opened further up Swanport Road only a few weeks ago.

A driveway would need to be built through recently completed landscaping on Swanport Road if the development goes ahead.

However, the existence of a development application does not guarantee a servo will be built.

Another company applied to build an X Convenience outlet at 213-217 Adelaide Road in 2018, but the chain wound up moving into the former Caltex site at 101 Adelaide Road instead.

The Owl Drive development would include an X Convenience and Burger X. Image: Ekistics/Rural City of Murray Bridge.

As a category two development, Development Holdings’ application was published on the Murray Bridge council’s website last Friday, and the owners of adjoining properties have until next Friday, March 26, to offer feedback.

The council’s assessment panel will then consider the application at a future meeting.

The panel will not take into account the fact that there are already eight other petrol stations in Murray Bridge, plus – for what it’s worth – two electric car charging stations.

  • Have your say: Write to the Rural City of Murray Bridge, PO Box 421, Murray Bridge SA 5253 no later than next Friday, March 26.
  • More information: Download the application at or contact senior planning officer Giulia Mason on 8539 1414.
Another view of the proposal. Image: Ekistics/Rural City of Murray Bridge.