Advance care directive workshops will support ageing locals

Support for Murray Bridge community members wanting to complete their ACD will be provided through peer-led workshops.

Advance care directive workshops will support ageing locals
Anyone who wants support can attend the sessions Photo: Rural City of Murray Bridge

A series of free resources and information sessions will support Murray Bridge community members in creating their advance care directives, the city’s council has announced.

An ACD is a legal tool which enables individuals to make clear arrangements for their future health care, end-of-life preferences, preferred living plans and other personal matters.

It allows individuals to appoint a substitute decision maker who can act on their behalf if they are unable to make decisions for themselves.

Two free workshops are scheduled for May 29 and June 26, from 10am-12.30pm at the local government centre.

The workshops are based around increasing awareness and sharing experiences and information.

Community care coordinator Debbie Burton emphasised the importance of these workshops.

“If you’re unfamiliar with advance care directives, these workshops will provide invaluable assistance in understanding the process,” she said.

“There may come a time when you’re unable to make your own decisions, and an ACD ensures that your wishes are known and respected.”

The workshops will be in small groups, so bookings are essential.

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