Adrian Pederick promoted, welcomes Liberal leaders to Murray Bridge
The Member for Hammond will take responsibility for veterans' affairs, emergency services and regional roads in opposition.
The Murraylands’ state MP will play a more prominent role in South Australia’s Liberal opposition than he did in government.
Adrian Pederick was named in new Liberal leader David Speirs’ shadow cabinet last week.
He will be responsible for keeping the state government accountable around veterans’ affairs, emergency services and regional roads.
Mr Pederick said he was humbled and privileged at the promotion.
“I intend to use my experience in Parliament and right across South Australia to carry out my new responsibilities to assist the people of South Australia in holding the new Labor government to account in my portfolio areas,” he said.
The Liberals’ leadership group visited Murray Bridge and Thomas Foods International’s new site on Wednesday.
In an update last week, managing director Darren Thomas said the meat works, a replacement for the Murray Bridge plant which burned down in 2018, were progressing towards a 2023 opening date.
Mr Pederick was previously a whip, or manager of parliamentary business, under former Premier Steven Marshall; but stood down from that role in 2020 during an investigation into his claims to an accommodation allowance.
He was later cleared by the Independent Commission Against Corruption.
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